The written assignments will appear on this page. At the beginning of each discussion section, you will be given a written assignment consisting of several interesting and challenging problems. You will work in class on one or more of these problems, as directed by the TA, during the discussion. You will continue to work outside of class on these problems, and then your carefully written solutions will be collected at the beginning of discussion on Monday of the following week. Some of the problems will be graded. In order to receive credit, you must put your name and unique number and time of your discussion section at the top of the page and show all of your work. Your exercises must be well-labeled, neat, and in order, and the work must be stapled. Above all, your assignment must be turned in before the discussion begins. There will be approximately a dozen such weekly assignments; we will drop the lowest two.
The Quest assignments will appear on (you guessed it) Quest. In general, there will be a pre-class and a post-class Quest assignment for each class meeting. The pre-class assignment is due at 9AM on the day of the class. The post-class assignment is due at 6PM on the day before the subsequent class. In other words, the pre-class assignment for Tuesday is due Tuesday morning, and the post-class is due Wednesday afternoon; the pre-class assignment for Thursday is due Thursday morning and the post-class is due on Monday afternoon. Written assignments are due on Monday morning in discussion section.
The schedule of class materials, and hence the schedule of Quest assignments, can be found here. There is no pre-class assignment associated with the first day of class.
Homework assigned on: