- Hopf structures in the cohomology of Ag, GLn(Z), and SLn(Z) (with F. Brown, M. Chan, and S. Galatius)
- Moduli spaces of curves with polynomial point counts (with S. Canning, H. Larson, and T. Willwacher)
- The motivic structures LS12 and S16 in the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves (with S. Canning, H. Larson, and T. Willwacher)
- The local motivic monodromy conjecture for simplicial nondegenerate singularities (with M. Larson and A. Stapledon)
In Press
- The Kodaira dimensions of M22 and M23 (with G. Farkas and D. Jensen) To appear in Cambridge J. Math.
- Adic tropicalizations and cofinality of Gubler models (with T. Foster) To appear in Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.
- Recent developments in Brill–Noether theory (with D. Jensen) To appear in EMS Volume for the BMS Thematic Einstein Semester on Algebraic Geometry
- Polynomial point counts and odd cohomology vanishing on moduli spaces of stable curves (with J. Bergström and C. Faber) Ann. Math. (2) 199 (2024), no. 3, 1323–1365
- Extensions of tautological rings and motivic structures in the cohomology of Mg,n (with S. Canning and H. Larson) Forum Math. Pi 12 (2024) Paper No. e23, 31 pages
- The non-abelian Brill-Noether divisor on M13 and the Kodaira dimension of R13 (with G. Farkas and D. Jensen) Geom. Topol. 28 (2024), no. 2, 803–866
- K-rings of wonderful varieties and matroids (with M. Larson, S. Li, and N. Proudfoot)
Adv. Math. 441 (2024), Paper No. 109554, 43 pages
- Avoidance loci and real bitangents to plane quartics (with H. Markwig and K. Shaw) Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 154 (2024), no. 4, 1308–1312
- Weight 2 compactly supported cohomology of moduli spaces of curves (with T. Willwacher) Duke Math. J. 173 (2024), no. 16, 3107–3178.
- Weight 11 compactly supported cohomology of moduli spaces of curves (with T. Willwacher). Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2024), no. 8, 7060–7098
- The weight two compactly supported Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of curves (with T. Willwacher) Pure Appl. Math. Q. 20 (2024), no. 5, 2415–2451
- The Sn-equivariant top weight Euler characteristic of Mg,n (with M. Chan, C. Faber, and S. Galatius). Amer. J. Math. 145 (2023), no. 5, 1549–1585
- The eleventh cohomology group of Mg,n (with S. Canning and H. Larson) Forum Math. Sigma 11 (2023), Paper No. e62, 18 pages
- Resolutions of local face modules, functoriality, and vanishing of local h-vectors (with M. Larson and A. Stapledon) Algebr. Comb. 6 (2023), no. 4, 1057–1072
- Bitangents to plane quartics via tropical geometry: rationality,
A1-enumeration, and real signed count (with H. Markwig and K. Shaw) Res. Math. Sci. 10 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 21, 54 pages
- Compactified Jacobians as Mumford models (with K. Christ and T. Shen) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), no. 7, 4605–4630
- Tropical moduli spaces as symmetric Delta-complexes (with D. Allcock and D. Corey) Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 54 (2022), no. 1, 193–205
- Topology of moduli spaces of tropical curves with marked points (with M. Chan and S. Galatius) Facets of Algebraic Geometry. Vol. I. A Collection in Honor of William Fulton’s 80th Birthday, 77-131. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Vol. 472, Cambridge University Press, 2022
- Tropical curves, graph complexes, and top weight cohomology of Mg (with M. Chan and S. Galatius) J. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (2021), no. 2, 565–594
- Equivariant Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch and localization in operational K-theory (with D. Anderson and R. Gonzales, with an appendix by G. Vezzosi) Algebra Number Theory 15 (2021), no. 2, 341–385
- Triangulations of simplices with vanishing local h-polynomial (with E. Gunther, A. Moura, A. Stapledon, and J. Schuchardt) Algebr. Comb. 3 (2020), no. 6, 1417–1430
- A tropical motivic Fubini theorem with applications to Donaldson-Thomas theory (with J. Nicaise) Duke Math. J. 168 (2019), no. 10, 1843–1886
- Tropical refined curve counting via motivic integration (with J. Nicaise and F. Schroeter) Geom. Topol. 22 (2018), no. 6, 3175–3234
- Diagonal splittings of toric varieties and unimodularity (with J. Chou, M. Hering, R. Tramel, and B. Whitney) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), no. 5, 1911–1920
- Combinatorial and inductive methods for the tropical maximal rank conjecture (with D. Jensen) J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. 152 (2017), 138–158
- Tropical independence II: The maximal rank conjecture for quadrics (with D. Jensen) Algebra Number Theory 10 (2016), no. 8, 1601–1640
- Nonarchimedean geometry, tropicalization, and metrics on curves
(with M. Baker and J. Rabinoff) Algebraic Geometry 3 (2016), no. 1, 63–105 (See also arXiv:1104.0320v2)
- Cremona symmetry in Gromov-Witten theory (with A. Gholampour and D. Karp) Pro Mathematica, 29 (2016), no. 57, 129–149
- The tropicalization of the moduli space of curves (with D. Abramovich and L. Caporaso) Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 48 (2015), no. 4, 765–809
- Topology of nonarchimedean analytic spaces and relations to complex algebraic geometry Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 2, 223–247
- On a Cohen-Lenstra heuristic for Jacobians of random graphs (with J. Clancy, N. Kaplan, T. Leake, and M. Wood) J. Algebraic Combin. 42 (2015), no. 3, 701–723
- Operational K-theory (with D. Anderson) Doc. Math. 20 (2015), 357–399
- Lifting divisors on a generic chain of loops (with D. Cartwright and D. Jensen) Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 2, 250–262
- A note on Tutte polynomials, Jacobians, and two variable zeta functions of graphs (with J. Clancy and T. Leake) Exp. Math. 24 (2015), no. 1, 1–7
- Artificial intelligence for Bidding Hex (with E. Robeva) Games of No Chance 4, MSRI Publications 63 (2015), 207–214
- Tropical independence I: Shapes of divisors and a proof of the Gieseker-Petri Theorem (with D. Jensen) Algebra Number Theory 8 (2014), no. 9, 2043–2066
- Limits of tropicalizations (with T. Foster and P. Gross) Israel J. Math. 201 (2014), no. 2, 835–846
- On the structure of non-archimedean analytic curves (with M. Baker and J. Rabinoff) Contemp. Math. 605 (2013), 93–125
- Boundary complexes and weight filtrations Mich. Math. J. 62 (2013), no. 2, 293–322
- Lifting tropical intersections
(with B. Osserman) Doc. Math. 18 (2013), 121–175
- Connectivity of tropicalizations (with D. Cartwright) Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012), no. 5, 1089–1095
- A note Brill-Noether theory and rank determining sets for metric
graphs (with C. M. Lim and N. Potashnik) Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2012), no. 23, 5484–5504
- Cox rings and pseudoeffective cones of projectivized toric vector bundles (with J. González, M. Hering, and H. Süβ)
Algebra Number Theory 6 (2012), no. 5, 995–1017
- A tropical proof of the Brill-Noether Theorem (with F. Cools, J. Draisma, and E. Robeva) Adv. Math. 230 (2012), no. 2, 759–776
- Realization spaces for tropical fans (with E. Katz) Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, Abel Symp., 6, Springer 2011, 73–88
- Discrete bidding games (with M. Develin) Electronic J. Combin. 17 (2010), no. 1, Research Paper 85, 40 pp.
- Positivity for toric vector bundles (with M. Hering and M. Mustaţă) Ann. Inst. Fourier 60 (2010), no. 2, 607–640
- Cayley decompositions of lattice polytopes and upper bounds for h∗-polynomials (with C. Haase and B. Nill) J. Reine Angew. Math. 637 (2009), 207–216
- Analytification is the limit of all tropicalizations Math. Res. Lett. 16 (2009), no. 3, 543–556
- Lattice polytopes cut out by root systems and the Koszul property Adv. Math. 220 (2009), no. 3, 926–935
- Frobenius splittings of toric varieties Algebra Number Theory 3 (2009), no. 1, 107–119
Correction to Frobenius splittings of toric varieties
- Fibers of tropicalization Math. Z. 262 (2009), no. 2, 301–311
Correction to Fibers of tropicalization Math. Z. 272 (2012), no. 3-4, 1403–1406
- Toric vector bundles, branched covers of fans, and the resolution property J. Algebraic Geom. 18 (2009), no. 1, 1–36
- Bidding chess (with J. Bhatt) Math. Intelligencer
31 (2009), 37–39
- Adelic amoebas disjoint from open halfspaces J. Reine Angew. Math. 625 (2008), 115–123
- Piecewise polynomials, Minkowski weights, and localization on toric varieties (with E. Katz) Algebra Number Theory 2 (2008), no. 2, 135–155
- Moduli of toric vector bundles Compositio Math. 144 (2008), no. 5, 1199–1213
- Ehrhart series and lattice triangulations Discr. Comput. Geom. 40 (2008), no. 3, 365–376
- Stable base loci, movable curves, and small modifications, for toric varieties Math. Z. 253 (2006), no. 2, 421–431
- Equivariant Chow cohomology of toric varieties Math. Res. Lett. 13 (2006), no. 1, 29–41
- Asymptotic cohomological functions of toric divisors (with M. Hering and A. Küronya) Adv. Math. 207 (2006), no. 2, 634–645
- Fujita’s very ampleness conjecture for singular toric varieties Tohoku Math. J. 58 (2006), no. 3, 447–459
- Ehrhart polynomials and stringy Betti numbers (with M. Mustaţă) Math. Ann. 333 (2005), no. 4, 787–795
- Smooth complete toric threefolds with no nontrivial nef line bundles (with O. Fujino) Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 81 (2005), no. 10, 174–179
- Alternating graphs (with C. Adams, R. Dorman, K. Foley, and J. Kravis) J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 77 (1999), no. 1, 96–120
Volumes Edited
- Facets of Algebraic Geometry. Vols. I–II. A Collection in Honor of William Fulton’s 80th Birthday. (with P. Aluffi, D. Anderson, M. Hering, and M. Mustaţă) London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Vols. 472–473. Cambridge University Press, 2022
- Nonarchimedean and Tropical Geometry (with M. Baker) Simons Symposia, Springer 2016