
      k-theory learning seminar (fall 2023)
organized by myself and Jacob Gaiter
tuesdays at 11 in pma 9.166
mailing list:

week 1 (8/29): review of vector bundles, clutching, and grassmanians (Jacob, notes)
week 2 (9/5): grothendieck completion and K^0 (Abhishek S, notes)
week 3 (9/12): K(X) and the fundamental product theorem (Isaac, notes)
week 4 (9/19): higher K groups and cohomology (Aru, notes)
week 5 (9/26): Bott periodicity I (Abhishek K)
week 6 (10/3): bye week
week 7 (10/10): division algebras and parallelizable spheres (Cas, notes)
week 8 (10/17): vector fields on spheres (Jayden)
week 9 (10/24): the Atiyah-Singer index theorem I: pseudo-differential operators (Justin, notes)
week 10 (10/31): bye week
week 11 (11/7): the Atiyah-Singer index theorem II: Chern, Thom, et al. (Abhishek S, notes)
week 12 (11/14): the Atiyah-Singer index theorem III: the grand finale (Jacob, notes)

k-theory by Karoubi
k-theory by Atiyah
vector bundles and k-theory by Hatcher, a good resource but unfinished
topological k-theory and some of its applications, Saad Slaoui's master's thesis
a geometric introduction to k-theory, includes both topological and algebraic k-theory
Dan Freed's k-theory class, includes potentially useful lecture notes and lots of sources for further reading
k-theory and elliptic operators, expository notes on the k-theoretic formulation and proof of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem