Home Page - Thomas Chen

Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
2515 Speedway C1200
Austin, TX 78712

Office: PMA 12.138


Research interests:
Mathematical Physics
Applied Mathematics




F24: M 393C # 54289.
F18: M 408C # 53530 / 53535.
F17: M 393C # 54642.
F16: M 408C # 53405 / 53410.
F16: M 408C # 53475 / 53480.
F15: M 408C # 52665 / 52670.
F15: M 408C # 52730 / 52735.
F14: M 408C # 54980 / 54985.
F14: M 408C # 55050 / 55055.
S14: M 381D / CSE 385S # 57085 / 65915.
F13: M 393C # 57705.
S13: M 381D / CSE 385S # 56850 / 65305.
F12: M 362K # 56260.
S12: M 361 # 55880.
F11: M 365C # 55440.
S11: M 408C # 55405 / 55410 / 55415.
F10: M 393C / CAM 393C # 55405 / 65080.
S10: M 372K # 57100.
F09: M 383C / CAM 385C # 58050 / 66065.
S09: M 361K # 57100.
F08: M 427K # 58875.

TexAMP 2023/24 Texas A&M University

TexAMP 2020/21 Online Conference

TexAMP 2019/20 at Rice University

TexAMP 2018 at Baylor University

TexAMP 2017 at UT Austin

TexAMP 2016 at Rice University

TexAMP 2015 at UT Dallas

TexAMP 2014 at UT Austin

TexAMP 2013 at Rice University

2013/14 Focus on Quantum Transport

2012/13 Focus on NLS

2011 RTG Summer School: Analysis, PDEs and Mathematical Physics