The Texas Analysis and Mathematical Physics Symposium (TexAMP) is a regional weekend meeting held annually, hosted in turn by Rice University, and
The University of Texas at Austin.
The meeting includes main presentations by leading researchers in their fields, and
contributed talks.
Thomas Chen
(UT Austin) and
David Damanik (Rice).
With much help from
Bonnie Hausmann (Rice).
This meeting is made possible by the NSF
conference grant DMS-1309391.
Contributed Talks:
Andrew Comech
(Texas A&M University)
Vladimir Dragovic
(University of Texas at Dallas)
Baofeng Feng
(University of Texas-Pan American)
Zhaosheng Feng
(University of Texas-Pan American)
Constanze Liaw
(Baylor University)
Tuoc Van Phan
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Nguyen Cong Phuc
(Louisiana State University)
Tracy Weyand
(Texas A&M University)
Fei Xue
(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Jasang Yoon
(University of Texas-Pan American)
Registration and Visitor Information