This is the repository of sources and related links for the 2020 Summer Minicourses at UT Austin. This page will be updated with resources when they are made available.

You can contact the SMC Organizers (Desmond Coles, Arun Debray, Zachary Gardner, and Richard Wong) at

You can click here to be added to the email list, click here to join the slack channel, and click here to add the schedule to your calendar.


Introduction to Representation Theory:


Malliavin Calculus:


Boundaries of groups and spaces:


The Yang-Mills Equations:


Min-max theory and minimal surfaces:


Abelian varieties and the Mordell-Weil Theorem:


Characteristic Classes:


Heegaard Splittings and Dehn Surgery:


Kirby Calculus and 4-manifolds:


Spectral Sequence Training Montage
