This is the website for the student learning seminar on p-adic automorphic forms in Fall 2020. The syllabus can be found here.
Meeting time: Tuesdays 15:30--17:30
Zoom ID: 942 7112 8461; Password: Constant term of j-invariant
(Update:Recordings have been hidden for the privacy of the speakers)
Talk 0: Organizational meeting (Leo, 15/09)
Talk 1: Hida theory I (Gyujin, 22/09) Notes Recording
Talk 2: Hida theory II (Marco, 29/09) Notes Recording
Talk 3: Coleman family (Leo, 06/10) Notes Recording
Talk 4: Geometric background (Gyujin, 13/10) Notes Recording
Talk 5: AIP I (Weibo, 20/10) Notes Recording
Talk 6: Triple product (Leo, 27/10) Notes Recording
Talk 7: AIP II (Jack, 03/11) Notes Recording
Talk 8: Automorphic background (Linus 10/11) Notes Recording Appendix
Talk 9: Special introductory lecture (Chris Skinner 17/11) Recording
Thanksgiving week: No talk
Talk 10: Higher Hida theory I (Gyujin, 01/12) Notes Recording 1 Recording 2
Talk 11: Higher Hida theory II (Gyujin, 08/12) See above
Talk 12: Higher Hida theory III (Leo, 15/12) Notes Recording