- (With C. Maclachlan)
Commensurability classes of arithmetic Kleinian groups and
their Fuchsian subgroups. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 102 (1987),
- (With C. Maclachlan)
The arithmetic structure of tetrahedral groups of hyperbolic isometries.
Mathematika 36 (1990), 221–240.
- A note on trace-fields
of Kleinian groups. Bull. London Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 349–352.
- Arithmeticity of
knot complements. J. London Math. Soc. 43 (1991), 171–184.
- Totally geodesic
surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.
34 (1991), 77–88.
- (With W. D. Neumann)
Amalgamation and the invariant trace-field of Kleinian groups.
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 109 (1991), 509–515.
- (With C. Maclachlan)
Parameterizing Fuchsian subgroups of Bianchi groups. Canadian
J. Math. 43 (1991), 158–181.
- Commensurability
and isospectrality of arithmetic hyperbolic 2 and 3-manifolds.
Duke Math J. 65 (1992), 215–228.
- (With W. D. Neumann)
Arithmetic of hyperbolic manifolds. In TOPOLOGY '90, Proceedings
of the Research Semester in Low Dimensional Topology at Ohio State
University. De Gruyter Verlag (1992), 273–310.
- (With W. D. Neumann)
Notes on Adams' small volume orbifolds. In TOPOLOGY '90, Proceedings
of the Research Semester in Low Dimensional Topology at Ohio State
University. De Gruyter Verlag (1992), 311–314.
- (With W. Menasco)
Totally geodesic surfaces in hyperbolic link complements. In TOPOLOGY
'90, Proceedings of the Research Semester in Low Dimensional Topology
at Ohio State University. De Gruyter Verlag (1992), 215–226.
- Some remarks on 2-generator
hyperbolic 3-manifolds. In Discrete Groups and Geometry, Proceedings
in honour of the retirement of A. M. Macbeath. L. M. S. Lecture
Note Series 173 (1992), 209–219.
- (With W. D. Neumann)
Rigidity of cusps in deformations of hyperbolic 3-orbifolds. Math.
Ann. 295 (1993), 223-237.
- (With D. D. Long)
Closed incompressible surfaces in 2-generator hyperbolic
3-manifolds with a single cusp. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 36
(1993), 501–513.
- (With T. Chinburg)
Closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds whose closed geodesics all are simple.
J. Diff. Geom. 38 (1993), 545–558.
- (With C. Adams)
Quasi-Fuchsian surfaces in hyperbolic knot complements. Journal
Australian Math. Soc. 55 (1993), 116–131.
- (With K. N. Jones)
Non-simple closed geodesics in hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Math.
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 116 (1994), 339–351.
- (With D. Cooper
and D. D. Long) Bundles and finite foliations. Invent. Math.
118 (1994), 255–283.
- (With B. Bowditch
and C. Maclachlan) Arithmetic hyperbolic surface bundles.
Math. Annalen 302 (1995), 31–60.
- A non-Haken hyperbolic
3-manifold covered by a surface bundle.Pacific J. Math. 167 (1995),
- (With C. McA.
Gordon) Tangle decompositions of tunnel number one knots
and links. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 4 (1995),
- (With C. Adams)
tunnels in two-bridge knot and link complements. Comment. Math.
Helv. 71 (1996), 617–627.
- (With D. D. Long
and C. Maclachlan) Splitting groups of signature (1;n). J.
Algebra 185 (1996), 329–341. (pdf)
- (With J. W. Anderson)
Commensurability of Fuchsian groups and their axes. Proc.
A. M. S. 125 (1997), 941–942. (pdf)
- (With D. Cooper
and D. D. Long) Finite foliations and similarity interval
exchange maps. Topology 36 (1997), 209–227. (pdf)
- (With D. Cooper
and D. D. Long) Essential closed surfaces in bounded 3-manifolds.
Journal of The American Math. Soc. 10, (1997), 553–563.
- (With F. W. Gehring,
C. Maclachlan and G. J. Martin) Arithmeticity, Discreteness
and Volume. Trans. A. M. S. 349 (1997), 3611–3643. (pdf)
- (With C. Maclachlan)
Generalised Fibonacci Manifolds. J. of Transformation Groups,
2 (1997), 165–182.
- (With K. N. Jones)
Geodesic intersections in arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Duke
Math. J. 89 (1997), 75–86.
- (With C. Maclachlan)
Invariant trace-fields and quaternion algebras of polyhedral
groups. J. London Math. Soc. 58 (1998), 709–722. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
Simple quotients of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups. Proc. A.
M. S. 126 (1998), 877–880. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
On Fuchsian groups with the same set of axes. Bull. London
Math. Soc. 30 (1998), 533 – 538. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
Free products with amalgamation and p-adic Lie Groups, Canadian
Math. Bulletin, 41 (1998), 423–433.
- (With D. Cooper
and D. D. Long) Infinite Coxeter groups are virtually indicable.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 41 (1998), 303–313.
- (With K. N. Jones)
Minimal index torsion-free subgroups in Kleinian groups. Math.
Annalen 310 (1998), 235–250. (pdf)
- (With P. Callahan)
Hyperbolic structures on knot complements. Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals 9 (1998), 705–738. (pdf)
- (With S. Wang)
Non-Haken 3-manifolds are not large with respect to mappings
of non-zero degree. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 7
(1999) 105–132
- (With D. D. Long)
Commensurability and the character variety, Math. Research Letters
6 (1999), 581–591. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
On the geometric boundaries of hyperbolic 4-manifolds, Geometry
and Topology, 4 (2000), 171–178. (pdf)
- (With C. Adams)
Systoles of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos.
Soc. 128 (2000), 103–110. (pdf)
- (With K. N. Jones)
Vol3 and other exceptional hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 129 (2001), 2175–2185. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
The fundamental group of the double of the figure eight knot exterior
is GFERF, Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), 391–396.
- (With D. D. Long)
Constructing hyperbolic manifolds which bound geometrically, Math.
Research Letters 8 (2001), 443–456. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
On subgroup separability in hyperbolic Coxeter groups, Geometriae
Dedicata, 87 (2001), 245–260. (pdf)
- (With I. Agol
and D. D. Long) The Bianchi groups are separable on geometrically
finite subgroups, Annals of Math. 153 (2001), 599–621. (pdf)
- (With T. Chinburg,
E. Friedman and K. N. Jones) The smallest volume arithmetic
hyperbolic 3-manifold, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di
Pisa 30 (2001), 1–40.
- (With D. D. Long)
All flat manifolds are cusps of hyperbolic orbifolds, Algebraic
and Geometric Topology 2 (2002), 285–296. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
Pseudomodular surfaces, Journal für de Reine Angew. 552 (2002),
77–100. (pdf)
- (With S. Wang
and Q. Zhou) Generalized Hopfian property, a minimal Haken
manifold and epimorphisms between 3-manifold groups, Acta Mathematica
Sinica, English Series 18 (2002), 157–172. (pdf)
- (With C. Leininger)
The co-rank conjecture for 3-manifold groups, Algebraic and Geometric
Topology 2 (2002), 37–50. (pdf)
- (With M. D. Baker)
Arithmetic knots in closed 3-manifolds, in Proceedings of
Knots 2000, J. Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11 (2002), 903–920.
- (With D. D. Long)
Integral points on character varieties, Math. Annalen. 325 (2003),
299–321. (pdf)
- (With E. Hamilton)
Eigenvalue fields of hyperbolic orbifolds, Proc. A. M. S. 132
(2004), 2497–2503. (pdf)
- (With C. McA.
Gordon and D. D. Long)
Surface subgroups of Coxeter and Artin groups, J. Pure and Applied
Algebra 189 (2004), 135–148. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
Generalized Dedekind sums, Geometry and Topology Monographs 7,
Proceedings of the Casson Fest (2004), 205–212. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
On asymmetric hyperbolic manifolds, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.138
(2005), 301–306. (pdf)
- (With C. Leininger)
A combination theorem for Veech subgroups of the Mapping class
group, GAFA 16 (2006), 403–436. (pdf)
- Surface subgroups
of Mapping Class groups, in Problems about Mapping Class Groups,
Proc. Symp. Pure and Applied Math., ed. B. Farb. (2006), 274–286.
- (With D. D. Long
and C. Maclachlan) Arithmetic Fuchsian groups of genus zero.
Pure and Applied Math Quarterly 2 (2006), a special issue to celebrate
the 60th birthday of Professor J. H. Coates, 569–599. (pdf)
- (With D. Cooper
and D. D. Long) On the virtual Betti numbers of arithmetic
hyperbolic 3–manifolds, Geometry and Topology 11 (2007)
2265–2276. (pdf)
- The geometry and topology
of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Proc. Symposium Topology,
Complex Analysis and Arithmetic of Hyperbolic Spaces, Kyoto 2006,
RIMS Kokyuroku Series, 1571 (2007), 31–58. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long
and A. Lubotzky), Heegaard genus and Property
for hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Journal of Topology 1 (2008) 152–158.
- (With D. D. Long)
Subgroup separability and virtual retractions of groups,
Topology 47 (2008), 137–159. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long)
Finding fibre faces in finite covers, Math Research Letters 15
(2008), 521–524. (pdf)
- (With G. S. Walsh)
Commensurability classes of 2-bridge knot complements, Algebraic
and Geometric Topology 8 (2008), 1031–1057(pdf)
- (With T. Chinburg,
E. Hamilton and D. D. Long) Geodesics and
commensurability classes of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds,
Duke Math. J. 145 (2008), 25–44.(pdf)
- (With C. Leininger,
D. B. McReynolds and W. D. Neumann) Length and eigenvalue
equivalence, International Math. Research Notices, volume 2007,
article ID rnm135, 24 pages, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnm135. (pdf)
- (With M. Lackenby
and D. D. Long) Covering spaces of arithmetic 3-orbifolds,
International Math. Research Notices, volume 2008, article ID
rnn036, 38 pages, doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnn036. (pdf)
- (With M. Lackenby
and D. D. Long) LERF and the Lubotzky-Sarnak Conjecture,
Geometry and Topology 12 (2008), 2047–2056(pdf)
- (With T. Chinburg
and D. D. Long) Cusps of minimal non-compact arithmetic hyperbolic
3-orbifolds, Pure and Applied Math Quarterly 4 (2008), 1013–1031.
A special issue to celebrate the 80th birthday of Professor
J-P. Serre. (pdf)
- (With P. Bonfert-Taylor,
G. Martin and E. Taylor) Teichmüller mappings, quasi-conformal
homogeneity, and non-amenable covers of Riemann surfaces, Pure Appl. Math. Q. 7 (2011), 455–468. A special issue to celebrate the 80th birthday of F. W. Gehring. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long),
Eigenvalues of hyperbolic elements in Kleinian
groups, In the tradition of Ahlfors–Bers V, Contemp. Math. 510, 197–208, A.M.S. Publications, (2010). (pdf)
- (With M. Boileau,
S. Boyer and S. Wang) Simon's Conjecture for 2-bridge
knots in Communications in Analysis and Geometry 18 (2010), 121–143.
- (With D. D. Long), Grothendieck's problem for 3-manifold groups in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 5 (2011), 479–499. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long and M. Thistlethwaite), Zariski dense surface subgroups in SL(3,Z), Geometry and Topology 15 (2011), 1–9. (pdf)
- (With C. J. Leininger and D. D. Long) Commensurators of finitely generated non-free Kleinian groups, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 11 (2011), 605–624. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long), Fields of definition of canonical curves, Interactions between hyperbolic geometry, quantum topology and number theory, Contemporary Math. 541, 247–257, A.M.S. Publications, (2011). (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long), Small subgroups of SL(3,Z), Experimental Math. 20 (2011), 412–425. (pdf)
- (With G. Masbaum) All finite groups are involved in Mapping Class groups, Geometry and Topology 12 (2012), 1393–1411. (pdf)
- (With M. D. Baker) Restricting the topology of 1–cusped arithmetic 3–manifolds, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 13 (2013) 1273–1298. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long) Constructing thin subgroups of SL(4, R). International Math. Research Notices, volume 2013, article ID rns281, 11 pages,
- (With D. D. Long) Constructing thin groups, MSRI Proceedings of the Hot Topics Workshop Thin Groups and Super-strong Approximation 151-166. (pdf)
- (With D. B. McReynolds and M. Stover) Collisions at infinity in hyperbolic manifolds, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 155 (2013), 459–463 (pdf)
- (With D. B. McReynolds)
The genus spectrum of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Math. Research Letters 21 (2014), 169–185. (pdf)
- (With M. D. Baker) Principal congruence link complements, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse 23 (2014), 1063–1092(pdf)
- Traces, lengths, axes and commensurability, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse 23 (2014), 1103–1118. (pdf)
- (With M. R. Bridson) Nilpotent completions of groups, Grothendieck pairs and four problems of Baumslag, Int. Math. Research Notices Volume 2015, 2111–2140, doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnt353 (pdf)
- Profinite properties of discrete groups, Proceedings
of Groups St Andrews 2013, L.M.S. Lecture Note Series 242 73–104,
Cambridge Univ. Press (2015). (pdf)
- (With G. Masbaum) Frattini and related subgroups of Mapping Class Groups), Proceedings of the Steklov Institute, 292 (2016), a special issue to celebrate the 75th birthday of V. P. Platonov, 143–152. (pdf)
- (With M.R. Bridson and M. Conder), Determining Fuchsian groups by their finite quotients, Israel J. Math, 214 (2016), 1–41. (pdf)
- (With D. D. Long) Thin surface subgroups in cocompact lattices in
SL(3,R), to appear Illinois J. Math, a special issue to celebrate the work of Wolfgang Haken. (pdf)
- (With S. Garoufalidis) Constructing 1-cusped isospectral non-isometric
hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Journal of Topology and Analysis(2016) DOI: 10.1142/S1793525318500024. (pdf)
- (With M. D. Baker) Principal Congruence Links: Class number greater than 1, Experimental Math (2017) DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2017.1289867. (pdf)
- (With K. L. Petersen) Gonality and genus of canonical components of character varieties. (pdf)
- (With M. R. Bridson) Profinite rigidity, fibering and the figure-eight knot, preprint (pdf)
- (With D. B. McReynolds) Determining hyperbolic 3-manifolds by their
surfaces. (pdf)
- (With M. R. Bridson and H. Wilton) Profinite rigidty and surface bundles over
the circle. (pdf)
- (With A. Kolpakov and L. Slavich) Embedding arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds. (pdf)
In Progress
- (With C. Maclachlan and A. Salgueiro), Some remarks on group actions on hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
- (With T. Chinburg and M. Stover) Azumaya algebras and canonical components.
In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers VI, Contemporary Mathematics 590 American Mathematical Society (2013). Co-editors: U. Hamenstadt, R. Rodriguez, S. Rhode, and M. Wolf. (pdf)
Subgroups and Subgroup Separability in 3-Manifold Topology,
with D. D. Long, Publicações Matemáticas
no IMPA, (2005) (pdf)
The Arithmetic
of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds, with C. Maclachlan, Graduate
Text in Math. 219, Springer-Verlag (2003)
'90, Proceedings of the Research Semester in Low
Dimensional Topology at Ohio State University. Co-Editors: B.
Apanasov, W. D. Neumann and L. Siebenmann, De Gruyter Verlag,
from lectures at a Summer School in Pleinfeld Germany, Sept 2006.
Part of the International Research Training Group in Arithmetic
and Geometry (Humboldt University (Berlin), University of Zurich
and ETH Zurich).
Transparencies Group Theory, Number Theory, and Geometry, Conference on occasion
of Fritz Grunewald's 60th birthday, Oxford University, April 2009.
Notes taken from a series of 3 lectures at Hyperbolic geometry:
algorithmic, number theoretic and numerical aspects, KIAS Seoul, South Korea, March 2010.