Fall 2014 M408R
Tentative Course Schedule
(Last revised October 1)

Main units of the course.

  1. The SIR model and Euler's method. Aug 27-September 12
  2. Derivatives and differention rules. Sept 15-Oct 6.
  3. Exponentials, logs, and models of growth. Oct 8-29
  4. Integrals. Oct 31-November 14
  5. Anti-derivatives and integration methods. November 17-December 5.

Exam schedule

Rhythm of the class

  1. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we will usually be going over new material. The Learning Module for each section of the book (also known as a pre-class assignment) is due at midnight the night before we begin that material, so that you're well-prepared for our activities in lecture.
  2. On most Tuesdays and Thursdays you will spend your time doing worksheets in groups. The titles of the worksheets are listed below. These worksheets should be turned in at the end of class.
  3. There are occasional individual homeworks (IH) and mini-projects (MP). The due dates are listed below.

Daily schedule